What can I expect from a workshop?
As soon as you make a purchase, you will receive an email with a link to the site to access the workshop video and The workshop audio.
What can I expect from The VIP Upgrade?
The Day following your purchase of the Workshop, you will begin to receive emails notifying you when each of the days are open in the Domination University Membership Site. The site will have the audio and journal prompt. You will receive these emails on a daily basis for the number of length of your course. You will receive access to the meditation and daily deposits audios as the program goes along. Expect to go deep as you connect with your authentic self.
What does a self study, self guided course look like? During the workshop, Ask TPJ takes you through each journal prompt and provides examples of how she answers, but in order to get the most out of this course, you must do your own work. There are no shortcuts to manifesting your dreams. True the process.
What does the VIP upgrade look like? I am not here to hold your hand and guide you. However, if you sign up for The VIP Upgrade, you will receive the Workshop and then on the day following the Workshop, you will receive the Day 1 journal prompt. You will receive daily journal prompts and audios for the duration of the course. The Upgrade is as close to daily support that you will receive.
Where can I go to find support from peers? If you like more support please look to join Permission to Dominate. This is my free facebook group for people who desire to manifest like magic. Go to this link to join:https://www.facebook.com/groups/permissiontodominate
What if I don't like the course? Do you offer any refunds?
Due to the digital nature of the course, there are no refunds. I absolutely, unequivocally, 100% believe in journalling and the manifesting process. I have seen so much success in countless clients, students and in myself. If you do the work, you will see results.
What happens if I do not finish the Workshop, but bought the Upgrade?
You have access to The Course VIP Upgrade? (if you purchased it) for 1 calendar year from the time of purchase. If you do not finish The Intensive Workshop the day you receive it, you can expect to receive the Day 1 journal prompt and audio the following day after the Workshop purchase. However, you can go at your own pace. The journal prompts and exercises have been carefully selected and placed in a specific order to help you go deeper and manifest your desire with ease.
Don’t worry. You have access for one year from the date of purchase. This is in the Membership Portal and should the Portal close there will be options to download the material. You will have access to the downloads for one year from the date of purchase. By purchasing this workshop you agree not to share this information with anyone who has not paid for the workshop through the Ask TPJ website.
FOR SUPPORT RELATED QUESTIONS If you have support-related questions or trouble accessing course material, please email us at admin@asktpj.com